This delivery policy, together with the terms of use, describes RADCHEM’s policies and procedures towards delivery of Products purchased on the Site. RADCHEM shall make all commercially reasonable endeavours to ensure that the Products are delivered to Users in a timely fashion.

Users are required to peruse and understand the terms of this Delivery Policy. If you do not agree to the terms contained in this Delivery Policy, you are advised not to accept the Terms of Use and the Delivery Policy and may forthwith leave and stop using the Site. The terms contained in this Delivery Policy shall be accepted without modification and accordingly, you agree to be bound by the terms contained herein.


·      RADCHEM partners with third party logistic service providers in order to effectuate Product delivery to Users (“Logistic Partners”). Details of the Logistic Partner who will be processing the delivery of the purchased Product(s) will be provided to the User upon the purchased Product(s) being handed over to the Logistic Partner by RADCHEM. The User will also be provided with an approximate days of delivery of the purchased Product on the order confirmation page. RADCHEM may also effectuate Product delivery to Users on its own without engaging Logistic Partners.


·      While RADCHEM aims to provide its services through the Site and ensure the delivery of its Products all across India and abroad, currently, RADCHEM has a select list of areas where delivery can be undertaken. At the time of placing an order for purchase of Products on the Site, Users are required to enter their pin-code details to verify if deliveries can be carried out in their areas. If the area where the User wishes that the purchased Products be delivered is not within RADCHEM’s recognised delivery network, RADCHEM will not be able to process the order further.



·      Prior to making payments on the Site for the purchase of Products, the User will be prompted to provide a shipping address. While entering shipping address details, the User should ensure to provide correct, complete and accurate information along with sufficient landmarks in order to aid identification of the address. Any failure in delivering the purchased Products arising out of the User’s failure to provide correct, complete and accurate information shall not hold RADCHEM liable at any point in time.


·      A maximum of 3 (three) attempts shall be made to deliver purchased Products to the User. Should the User continue to remain unavailable after 3 (three) attempts, RADCHEM reserves the right to cancel the order pertaining to the purchased Products at its sole discretion. While RADCHEM shall make reasonable endeavours in ensuring that purchased Products are delivered to its Users in a timely manner, delivery may be delayed on account of:

i. logistical issues beyond RADCHEM’s control;

ii.  unsuitable weather conditions;

iii. political disruptions, strikes, employee lockouts, etc.;

iv. acts of god such as floods, earthquakes, etc.; and

v.   other unforeseen circumstances.

In such events of delay, RADCHEM shall make reasonable attempt at proactively intimating the User by writing to the User on his/her registered email account and/or mobile number. RADCHEM disclaims all liabilities that may arise on account of its failure to intimate the User of anticipated delays in the delivery of purchased Products on the Site. Further, RADCHEM shall be under no obligation to compensate the User for any mental agony or any tortuous claim that may otherwise arise on account of a delay in the shipment and delivery or use of the purchased Products.

·      RADCHEM, as an internal process, undertakes multiple diligences to ensure that their delivery executives and the individuals employed by their Logistic Partners are individuals with the highest regard for ethics and integrity. However, it is not possible for RADCHEM to ensure that its own delivery executives or employees of its Logistic Partners behave in a fashion that exudes thorough professionalism, competence and good mannerism. It is expressly clarified that any ill-mannerism, impoliteness, discourtesy or offensiveness shown by RADCHEM delivery executives or by the employees of the Logistic Partners is beyond RADCHEM control and any issue arising between a User and RADCHEM delivery executive or an employee of the Logistic Provider will have to be resolved by the User, independently.


·      Upon the successful placing of an order on the Site and after RADCHEM has successfully handed over the purchased Product(s) to its Logistic Partner, the User will receive a unique tracking identity number, which will enable the User in tracking the status of delivery of the purchased Products. The User may use the tracking identity number on the Site or the website and/or the mobile application of the Logistic Partner to check the whereabouts of the purchased Product and the estimated time of its delivery. RADCHEM shall make reasonable attempts in ensuring that the tracking status of the purchased Products is updated in a timely manner. However, RADCHEM does not guarantee the accuracy of the tracking status since it is updated on a real-time basis and is subject to inconsistencies arising out of time-lags in updating the information and other technicalities beyond RADCHEM control.


·      Any grievances relating to the Delivery Policy may be directed by you to the grievance officer of RADCHEM who can be contacted at +91 824 2959350.

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